We Invite you to
Experience Hope for Easter
Where in your life could you use more hope? In your friendships? In your family? in your job? In your future? Easter Sunday is all about hope and at Hope Lutheran Church, we want you to know that hope is here for you. Join us during Easter Week for inspiring relevant services and activities including contemporary and friendly people and encouragement for every area of your life.
Hope is Alive - you are warmly invited to discover it with us!
Holy Week Schedule
Good Friday Tenebrae service at 12:00 noon and 7:00pm on Friday March 29th.
Easter Sunday Celebration services:
Sunday March 31st at 9:15am
Easter Brunch to follow worship. Member signup sheet for food in the Narthex.
Easter Egg hunt for the children
Please invite your family and friends.
Learn more about what we do
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Friday, March 29 at 12 noon and 7:00PM
The word Tenebrae is Latin for "shadows" or "darkness." It can also be translated as "night" or "death." The Tenebrae service is an ancient tradition in Christian history that took place on one of the last three days of Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday. The purpose of this service was to remember the somber events that occurred in Jesus’ life from the exuberant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through the night of Jesus’ burial on Good Friday.